Engaged and Nervous?
Everyone gets a little nervous when they become engaged. There’s so much to do and think about. But when that nervousness turns into stress and excessive worry, it’s time to stop, reflect, and get support.
I can help you and your fiancé get on the same page so you can move forward in life together. Couples counseling provides a safe space for you to be open with one another and talk about your dreams, fears, and goals without being judged. Together we’ll create a path forward so the two of you can be united as you begin the rest of your lives together.
Build Your Marriage on a Solid Foundation
Premarital counseling is a platform for unmarried or engaged couples to discover principles of premarital education, relationship maintenance, and evidenced-based marriage education. Premarital counseling helps partners improve communication, set realistic boundaries and utilize conflict management and resolution skills. Premarital therapy is a productive approach to relationship education.
You Can Feel Confident About Your Future Together
After working with me, you will feel lighter and more excited about your future together. You can be confident that you’re on the same page as you move forward in a relationship built on love and trust.